From the Workshop

April 17, 2020

No 10 smoothing plane revisited

No 10 smoothing plane. I have chosen this plane for its simplicity as an insight for the amount of work and effort that goes into this plane. I will tell its story over the next few postings.


Starting with the blade drilling and facet forming


Integral rivets being milled in situ on a bar strip to be cut up into individual sneck pieces

– Version 2

Sneck pieces shown after being cut into individual pieces


September 21, 2019

Workshop blog no 23 – No 985

This is unusual for me because I think showing off shavings could be a little sad. Not many people tell you the wood they are using but here I have planed a very wild piece of Boxwood out of the scrap bin. As you can see there is a large knot near the edge so there is a lot of alternating grain. I was pushing off quite a thick shaving at 2 thou with no tear out at all. Then I was able to finish off at 1 thou without revisiting the oil stone. No doubt the enthusiast could improve on this performance as I don’t have the time to play. This is my new blade in stainless – that is all I am saying.



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