From the Workshop

March 3, 2015

Window to my workshop 88

Filed under: A28 — Tags: , , , — admin @ 10:33 am

Chariot Plane

I find that I try to avoid using the term A28 because there is a lot more here than on the original A28 plane. These six are the last I will make as the cost of making is too high.

One of the original A28 Norris planes was sold at David Stanley’s auction Sept 2014 for £8,000 (+ commissions). In the light of this my price of £4,800 is very reasonable, especially as my plane is far superior in quality and construction. Who knows what these will be worth when I am gone.

CI3A1076 - Copy

There are some who would think that because this is cut out with a CNC mill there is no work here, to them I say “make one” :-) There was a lot of work to get here and still a long way to go. (all finished now – look out for the next project).

1 Comment »

  1. Karl with a K,
    Having followed your blog for several years now, having created a plane or two myself, and having two impossible professions, I must say that I totally agree with your call to arms; Make one!
    (really should be followed by a four syllable exclamation of profanity)
    Or be willing to pay enough for one if you can’t!I can’t wait for the next piece!
    Carl with a C

    Comment by grain_damaged — March 29, 2015 @ 2:00 am

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